

Notifications help you stay updated and give you the ability to react rapidly to any changes in your tasks.

Notification preferences for users

Want to make some modifications on your current notifications? Just go to your users preferences by clicking on your profile picture on the top right of your screen and selecting preferences.

Now click on the second tab in order to access your user’s notification preferences.

Here you can easily activate/deactivate the different events that will trigger the notifications your user will recieve.

Project notification settings

On the project level, DoneTonic offers full customization of the emails sent by notifications.

To get started, expand the Configuration menu under your project on the left side menu, and select Project.

On the second tab you will find the Mailing tab.

The first section at the top is about customizing the email client. By default all notifications will be sent to users from the noreply@donetonic.com account. If you want to customize this email account that sends the notifications, activate the selector and fill in the fields. At the end you can check the connection using the button below.

Bellow is the Email templates section, where you can upload as many different templates as you need. Finally, in the last section, you can set the Templates for events, where the templates are matched with the events triggering them.

If you are ready to create your own html email templates, you can start by downloading the default templates we created for you and are included in all your projects. There you will be able to see how the different variables are used.

This is the complete list of variables provided:

  • [[${task.taskProjectId}]] – Task Identifier
  • [[${task.title}]] – Task title
  • [[${task.description}]] – Task description
  • [[${task.estimation}]] – Estimated task duration in minutes
  • [[${task.dedicatedTime}]] – Time dedicated to the task in minutes
  • [[${task.tagLabel}]] – Task tag
  • [[${task.statusLabel}]] – Task status
  • [[${task.dueDateLabel}]] – Task due date
  • [[${task.closeDateLabel}]] – Task closing date
  • [[${task.importanceLabel}]] – Task importance
  • [[${task.url}]] – Link to the task
  • [[${task.assignments}]] – Task assignees
  • [[${pbi.title}]] – Title of the PBI containing the task
  • [[${project.title}]] – Title of the project containing the task
  • [[${workspace.title}]] – Title of the workspace containing the task
  • [[${actor.name}]] – Name of the user who triggered the notification
  • [[${actor.surname}]] – Last name of the user who triggered the notification
  • [[${date}]] – Date and time at which the notification was generated
  • [[${url}]] – Link to DoneTonic

Notification center

In DoneTonic, stay informed easily and efficiently with our Notification Center. Access the complete list of notifications by clicking on the notification icon in the upper right corner.

In the Notification Center, you will have access to a wide variety of notifications that will keep you informed about upcoming events, new features, and exciting promotions.

To learn more about these updates, simply click on the corresponding notification, and you will be able to access more specific details.